
1. Philosophy
Philosophy is the thought that reveals what is seriously needed.
Therefore any thoughts about problems become philosophy, if they are important for the thinker.
1-1. Solution of problems
Every philosophy aims to find solutions and happiness.
Almost all realistic problems are solved by choice and rejection.
Choices are made by estimating the order of priority of things.
2. Logic
Logic is a way of philosophy.
Logic is a system of thought which is valid for the thinker.
Therefore it may happen that what is logical for a person may be illogical for another.
Logic is the discovery of validity.
2-1. Theory
Theory is a kind of visualized logic.
No matter how extraordinary and unrealistic, theory realizes what is logically correct.
And if a certain theory is not understood by some, it means there is a lack of premise.
I will write about premise later.
3. There is no reason for nonexistence
There is no reason for nonexistence.
Therefore questions like those below do not make sense without some premises (series of ridiculous questions).
Why do we live? Why is homicide bad? Why aren’t there any apples?
In many cases, these questions can be caused by prejudice.
In many cases, people who ask these questions are misunderstanding their likings and rules for the truth.
To misunderstand the non-existence for existence and to think that one’s opinion is also the truth for another are frequently found as a stalker's mentality. So they are quite dangerous.
3-1. If there is a question, there is an answer too
There is no question that doesn't have an answer.
“I do not know” is also an answer.
The above-mentioned “series of ridiculous questions” do not have answers.
Because these are not correct questions.
3-2. Play
To think of something you do not know is to play.
3-3. Reason
Reason is the process of happening.
A process includes a cause.
The end of the reason of the reason of the reason for... is “I do not know.”
4. Liking
It is impossible to logically affirm or deny a liking.
When someone's logic changes through discussion, it does not mean that the new logic is admitted to be universally correct. It means that the new logic is thought to be logically correct by someone.
If you want, you can think that liking is your personal logic.
4-1. Good and evil
Good and evil have to do with one’s liking.
Therefore they cannot be said without the premise: “for someone”.
4-2. Evil things
There are no bad things without premises.
In many cases, things are not evil but ugly.
Evilness expresses essential badness and ugliness expresses subjective badness.
5. Any person is made of many elements or many aspects
The omelette theory.
When I eat an omelette made by someone else, I cannot say that I know how his omelettes taste. What I know is only the taste of an omelette, in a particular moment, on a particular day. In the same way, no matter what I see and hear, I cannot say I understand a person.
A person is made of many elements.
Therefore a sentence such as “I like him” is quite vague.
In the same way, “I hate him” is also quite vague.
“I hate something of him” and “I like something of him” do not conflict, and “I hate something of him” is not related to “I hate him.”
5-1. Things are also made of many elements or many aspects
The words which express how many elements or aspects one tries to see represent breadth of vision.
6. Logical contradiction
A logical contradiction is logic without validity.
A circumstance in which someone says “I am doing A” while doing B is not a logical contradiction.
Because in this case there is no logical relationship between statement and action.
A logical relationship is a relationship in which one element must change if another one changes.
7. Religion
Religion is the trust in a certain system of thought and adapting one’s life along the system.
7-1. Thought
Thought is what makes religion.
8. Emotion
Emotion is emotion.
The word “emotional” is not related to the word “logical”; it is not its antonym.
The emotional theory is not related to logic. It means not to think very much.
9. Literature
Literature is metaphor.
Some kinds of truth cannot be expressed without lying.
9-1. Some kinds of knowledge cannot be understood without real experience
Thought cannot be understood without real experience.
Therefore this paper can only be understood by those who have a similar thinking.
What makes readers experience the writer's thoughts is literature.
10. Understanding
It is impossible to understand others.
Because there is no perfect language.
If one understands, one can explain.
Understanding and explaining are not inseparable.
10-1. Language
Although it is possible to do perfect philosophy without a perfect language, perfect understanding is impossible.
Because thinking takes place through language.
Therefore it is also impossible to express perfect problems.
11. Freedom
Freedom is the permanent being of the world.
Therefore freedom already exists.
What binds actions is not inconvenience but will.
12. Premise
When we think, there are premises.
Therefore there is not absolute true.
Because it is impossible to explain the validity of the premises at the bottom of thought.
Logic also needs premises.
Every theory needs premises.
With premises, all suspicious theories can become logically correct.
For example, in the case of the premise “John Lennon is a woman”, “John Lennon is a woman” is correct.
Therefore discussion means continuously checking premises.
An imperfect language means that premises have not been established.
Therefore every thought is not originally correct or valid.
12-1. Truth
Truth is a theory that does not need premises.