
Exactly 4 years ago, Midori was fascinated by a titanium mug...

That fascination has been updated. The perfect match for Midori turned out to be a dollar store plastic mug.


Plastic Mug

Well, it's actually a polypropylene mug.

  • Doesn't break when dropped
  • Has a simple look that suits Midori
  • Can't fold the handle (inferior to the titanium mug)
  • Comes with a detachable lid
  • Lighter than the titanium mug, making it easier to tip over (be careful)
  • Affordable (titanium mug costs around 3,000 yen)
  • Microwavable

Microwavable! This was the main reason for updating the mug. Ya know, I really wanna microwave stuff... Especially lately, I've been drinking hot milk for better sleep.