
Let's write down the scores for the 2022 Winter Chill Season. Check out my impressions of the previous season below:


Ranked Battle Rank S+3

I, the author, haven't been doing many challenges. I've just been playing casually with friends in open matches. As for my growth during the Chill Season…

  • I've become better at using the Squeezer Slosher. Being used to shooters, I struggled a lot when handling a bucket-type weapon for the first time. However, after practicing in the lobby to "shoot the first shot upward, send the second shot straight ahead, and make both hit the balloon almost simultaneously," I improved rapidly. I recommend this to anyone starting with the Squeezer Slosher.
  • I've gotten much better at noticing the squid lamp. I'm now aware when my teammates get splatted almost every time.
  • By glancing at the map during matches, I can now check my teammates' front lines.


Catalog Level 324


Today's Outfit

  • Hottacks Squid Can Classic
  • amiibo Enchanted Robe L
  • Tataki Kensaki Arrows Tataki Bechu

It took some determination to take off my super favorite Battleroyka Bucket Hat, but this outfit looks great on my octopus.


Recent Locker

It has some elements of the next season, but my recent locker has settled down like this. The point of commitment is that I only put books within reach of my character. The upper part is probably out of reach.