
Let's talk about desks!

I want to avoid accumulating stuff, but I guess a cabinet is necessary. However, I don’t want something that’s a hassle to clean, expensive, or heavy, as it would be troublesome during moving. Oh, I know, a wire net will do!

  • Hassle to clean → Dust falls through the net, so the cabinet itself hardly needs cleaning. Easy to clean the floor by rolling it away on casters.
  • Don’t want something expensive → Wire net from Amazon and casters from the dollar store.
  • Don’t want something heavy → It's not heavy at all.
  • When moving → It can be disassembled and laid flat.


Building It

For easy movement during cleaning, let's attach casters to the wire net joints.

Instead of attaching the casters directly to the joints, for strength, assemble the wire net and joint, and then connect them as if binding the two together.


There's a bit of distortion, but it's fine once you store things in it.



Perfect. The wire net is one of the best pieces of furniture, logically speaking. It's light, cheap, easy to clean, and just great.