
"I remember a novel where a girl solved logic puzzles at lightning speed... Oh yes, 'Idle Challenger.'"

...And so I recalled this, but the details were hazy, and I had completely forgotten the plots of volumes 2 and 3, so I bought them on Kindle for a re-read. I'll summarize and review "Perfect King," "Eternal and Changing Box," and "Lost Elysion."



  • One of the world's two most powerful mutants, Yuto Kasuda, holds a logic puzzle and martial arts tournament called "Rule of the Rule." He gathers geniuses from around the world to compete against him.
  • Sachi Haruno had a twin sister. She was talented with Ultra Jump, but she died protecting Sachi in an accident. Since then, Sachi has been able to partially use Ultra Jump, a skill he seems to have inherited from his sister. Using this ability, he challenges geniuses to prove his sister's abilities as the best in the world. Naturally, he also participates in "Rule of the Rule."
  • Sachi mistakenly involves his classmate, Komaki Suzufuji, in "Rule of the Rule." However, Komaki excels in memory and calculation, and she is the "King of Ultra Jump." She and Sachi win the "Rule of the Rule." (Here is where the scenes of fast-paced logic puzzle solving occur.)
  • As a result, Sachi develops mixed feelings about Komaki, whom he can't measure up to, while Komaki becomes interested in people like Sachi, who act with strong personal conviction.
  • Akihiko Utabishi, who is striving to create the most powerful artificial intelligence, becomes interested in Komaki after she wins "Rule of the Rule." She invites Komaki to Utabishi Island to help with research.
  • Then, a group targeting the artificial intelligence appears. The highly trained Raven, Giraffe, and Lilika are formidable, but Komaki, the strongest of all, and Akihiko's sister, Akari Utabishi, are also skilled Ultra Jump users, so they defeat them.
  • Eventually, Utabishi Island is destroyed by volcanic activity, and Akihiko dies. She, like Yuto, died for her purpose. Komaki, lacking a clear purpose, finds their actions incomprehensible. But this is because Komaki is still an "unfinished genius."
  • Komaki, her cousin Iruru Suzufuji, and Sachi visit Dr. Kenka Wakuraba of Aulus University in the Republic of Walrusland. The doctor conducts inhumane experiments to create "superhumans."
  • Komaki and Sachi become friends with the experiment subjects, Izumi Morino, Claudia Holderlin, Sonchul Cha, and Io Anselme.
  • It seems their friendship will last, but Izumi Morino knocks everyone down. He is the other most powerful mutant in the world, the strongest assassin, and a dangerous person who wants to destroy the world through war before his life ends. His current goal is to rescue Dr. Wakuraba, who could potentially destroy the world.
  • However, Iruru Suzufuji surpasses Dr. Wakuraba's research, leading to a change in plans, and Wakuraba is killed. Komaki enhances her Ultra Jump during the battle, surpassing the mutant, and repelling the strongest Izumi.



  • Since this was a book I read long ago, I just read it casually this time without taking notes... but it's hard to remember the detailed plot of all three volumes.
  • Overall, the story focuses solely on the striking abilities of the characters, while the psychological depiction of the main characters seems neglected.
    • The story of Sachi challenging geniuses to prove his sister's abilities but feeling conflicted when surpassed by Komaki was intriguing, but how he deals with this isn't fully explored. As a result, he appears as a "mediocre talent," just as an antagonist describes him. Of course, Sachi's bright personality stands out among the often gloomy characters, but surely his personality isn't always bright!
    • Komaki, who has the world's strongest abilities but lives without purpose, contrasts with her friends who devote themselves to their goals. How she deals with this isn't resolved clearly, and the series ends vaguely. Consequently, she just seems like a strong character. Strong fictional characters are rather meaningless.
  • Therefore, I ended up liking the assassin, Izumi Morino. She's strong, with consistent motives, objectives, and actions, and has a catchy personality—plus she's cute.
  • The series tends to discard characters after each volume. Are Gionji-kun, Azumi-san, Chica-chan, and Akari-chan gone for good?!
  • The series takes readers on trips to various locations, such as Shiomashi City, the large cruise ship "Utena," Utabishi Island, and Aulus University in Walrusland Republic. It kept me entertained with a sense of travel.