
It's been 8 years since I started playing with Python. The recent trend for me is to properly write unit tests for the Python functions I create. This ensures that my functions are reliable. I had also dabbled in unit testing about 6 years ago...

Back then, I was using nose. But for my hobby-level projects, the standard unittest module is more than enough.

In this article, I'll be compiling practical examples of unit tests using mocks.


Function to be Tested (my_module)

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _bar():
    raise NotImplementedError()

def foo(i: int) -> list[int | None]:
    """The target function for playing with unit tests.

    Calls _bar as many times as specified and returns the results as a list[int | None].
    If _bar throws an Exception, None is added to the list.

        i (int): The number of times to call _bar.

    results: list[int | None] = []
    for _ in range(i):
            # Add the result of _bar.
        except Exception:
            # If an error occurs, log it and add None.
            logger.exception("An exception occurred! Logging and continuing the process.")
    return results

Since I want to have fun with mocks this time, I've created a foo function that allows mocks to shine. The function _bar that's being called within foo is not implemented, so calling foo directly will definitely result in an error. Let's create a test to mock and replace _bar.


Unit Tests


Level 1

Let's make _bar return 15.

from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock

class TestFoo(TestCase):

    # I want _bar to return 15. -> Confirm that [15] is returned.
    @patch('my_module._bar', MagicMock(return_value=15, autospec=True))
    def test_foo(self):
        actual = foo(1)
        self.assertEqual(actual, [15])

This is Level 1. It's easy to read. Just by looking at the decorator, you can understand:

  • _bar is being patched,
  • It's being replaced with MagicMock,
  • It's set to return 15,
  • autospec is used to inherit the signature (like the number of arguments) of the real _bar.


Level 2

Well, the above approach is fine, but if you define MagicMock within the decorator, you'll hit a wall when you want to replace it with a slightly more complex mock function in the future. You can't do complicated stuff within a decorator.

So, let's create the function we want to replace with, using the def format, and set it as the side_effect of MagicMock.

from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock

class TestFoo(TestCase):

    # I want to standardize the writing style using side_effect.
    @patch('my_module._bar', autospec=True)
    def test_foo(self, mock_bar: MagicMock):

        def custom_bar(*args, **kwargs):
            return 15
        mock_bar.side_effect = custom_bar

        actual = foo(1)
        self.assertEqual(actual, [15])

I find this pretty easy to read.

  • _bar is being patched,
  • The MagicMock to replace it with can be received within the test function,
  • You can define what function to replace it with as the side_effect of MagicMock,

It's all clear.

By the way, isn't it strange that the name of the process being replaced is called "side effect"? It feels more like a "main effect," doesn't it? Here's how to make sense of it:

  • This "side effect" is a side effect of MagicMock,
  • The main purpose of MagicMock is to replace something that would normally do something (_bar, for example) with something that does nothing and returns nothing,
  • If you consider that the main purpose of the mock, then returning any specific value is a side effect of MagicMock.


Level 3

The pattern I mentioned in Level 2, where you want to replace with a "slightly more complex mock function," is this one.

  • You want _bar to be called multiple times and return different values each time,
  • You want it to throw an Exception a few times,

In such a setup, you'd create the mock's side effect like this:

from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import call, patch, MagicMock

class TestFoo(TestCase):

    # I want _bar to return 15, Exception, 8, Exception, 4 in sequence.
    # This is where side_effect really shines.
    @patch('my_module._bar', autospec=True)
    @patch('my_module.logger.exception', autospec=True)
    def test_foo(self, mock_logger: MagicMock, mock_bar: MagicMock):

        def custom_bar(*args, **kwargs):
            nonlocal call_count
            call_count += 1
            if call_count == 1:
                return 15
            elif call_count == 3:
                return 8
            elif call_count == 5:
                return 4
                raise Exception()
        call_count = 0
        mock_bar.side_effect = custom_bar

        actual = foo(5)
        self.assertEqual(actual, [15, None, 8, None, 4])
        expected_calls = [
            call("An exception occurred! Logging while continuing the process."),
            call("An exception occurred! Logging while continuing the process.")

I'm also confirming that the logger is called twice. Yes, MagicMock can also detect when it's been called.